Friday, December 19, 2014

Collard Green Taco Wrap

Collard Green wraps have become a popular item lately, so I decided to give them a try. This taco wrap recipe uses walnuts as the “taco meat.” The protein rich walnuts are great for skin and heart health. The spices used in the recipe provide a great flavor and help to boost the metabolism.  This is another quick recipe. It is delicious, filling and nutritious. If you haven’t tried the collard green wrap yet give it a go!

Ingredients (makes 1 wrap)
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. ground coriander
Dash of cayenne pepper
Dash ground cumin
1/4 tbsp. tamari
1 large cooked collard green leaf (remove stems)

Blend walnuts in food processor. Add cumin, chili powder, coriander, cayenne pepper, and tamari.

Spoon the mix onto the collard green leaf. (dark side of collard green face down). Top with salsa, and roll the collard green like a burrito. (Fold one side in towards center. Tuck in the short ends. Lastly fold the remaining long side in.) 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Making Spirits Bright

 I returned from my Thanksgiving journey home with a fresh mind and a grateful heart. For me, there is nothing like a trip home to ground me and bring me back to what is truly important. In trips home I get to step away from the crazy day to day and  relax and reflect. I left the computer behind and hardly looked at my phone. I took the time to do things with my parents that used to be routine but now only happen once in a blue moon. We cooked; we went to the movies; and we went hiking. When i returned to my long list of tasks and to dos I no longer felt overwhelmed. As I reflected on my time at home the familiar quote "making spirits bright" was ringing in my head. This beloved time of year spent with friends and family and filled with reminiscing and laughter is the perfect medicine for the soul that truly makes spirits bright. 

       This holiday avoid getting stressed with the last minute gift shopping, crowds, and holiday preparation, and concentrate on making your spirits bright. 

  • Rejoice! a break is near!! 
  • Disconnect from the world and connect with family. 
  • Find a bit of peace and stillness in every day. 
  • Stop multitasking, and enjoy the moment.
  • Spend as much time as possible with the ones you love. 
  • Count your blessings, and be thankful :)

Merry Merry!