Sunday, April 12, 2015


When i first got my certification to teach group fitness my mom said "You will save more people than doctors." That saying has stuck with me since. Taking care of the one body you were given and making yourself strong is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. 

My workout routine started as a way just to avoid the freshmen fifteen. Working out now is so much more than that. It's an energy, a motivation and a strength. Nothing shakes the stress of a long day like a good sweat session. I always come out of class feeling clear headed and ready to face anything. 

I took a special liking to TreadBR because the vibe from the teamwork and the motivation from the instructors was unlike anywhere else I had tried. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone and learned that I was so much stronger and capable than I had ever given myself credit for. 

The challenge this week is to find that place that takes you out of your comfort zone. Step up your game, remember how strong you are, and take your workout to the next level. 

 So hit the ground running this week (literally) with your smiling face and your positive attitude :) OWN THIS WEEK! 


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Get Up and Get Moving

An early morning workout always sounds like a good idea at night, but when that alarm clock goes off in the morning it's a different story, right?! We all know it's true! Well this is the week to get up and get moving! We promise you will never regret that workout! A workout is a great way to start the day because it gives you energy and kick starts that metabolism! Did you know that even after your workout is over you continue to burn calories?!

Here's some tips to make rolling out of bed and lacing up those tennys a little easier! 

   Set your clothes out the night before. 
   Place your phone across the room so that you will have to get up to turn off the alarm.
   Don't press snooze!! 
   Splash your face with cold water to really wake you up. 
   Have your breakfast/coffee pot ready to go. 

So there is your mid week challenge! Get up and get moving!!  

Happy Thursday!!!