Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Run for Your Life

Running is one of the greatest workouts. This is great because you can run anywhere you are, and you can always make it a challenge. There is such a sense of accomplishment when you go that one mile further or that few seconds faster. There is a freedom in running, and a sense of confidence that you don't get from many other things.

We all have our reasons for running. Some run to stay in shape; some run out of habit; some run to clear the mind. In the midst of all those reasons, we are also running for our lives. You are probably benefiting from those runs a lot more than you realize.

Running benefits you internally just as much as it does externally. For starters, it is great for your heart. You are giving your heart as much of a workout as your legs when you run. The running motion squeezes blood to your heart and then forces it to pump the blood right back to your legs. The faster you run, the harder your heart works and the stronger it gets.

Contrary to popular belief running can strengthen your joints and cartilage as well. The running motion increases the amount of blood and oxygen that flows to your cartilage, helping to get rid of toxins. Running is also good for your bones. Research shows that running can aid in osteoporosis prevention. In addition, it has been shown that running aids in the prevention of breast cancer and colon cancer.

Lastly, running is good for your mind. You stress less when you run. If you have ever taken a run to clear your mind, you know exactly what I mean. When your feet hit the pavement it's like you're sweating out the problems of the day.

So with all of this information, the challenge of the week is to add a few extra miles to your workout. Enjoy the run and all of the good you are doing for your body!

Cheers to strong hearts, clear minds, & nice legs!